Fulcrum Arts welcomes artist Marcos Lutyens as a 2023 Fulcrum Incubator Artist-in-Residence. Lutyens will conduct research toward reimagining what could become of the oil rigs off the coast of Southern California as they officially move towards their decommissioning. His work will be supported by Dr. Milton Love and Dr. Ann Bull of the UCSB Marine Science Institute. The results of Lutyens’ research will be presented at the Oceanside Museum of Art in conjunction with Sea Change: Transformative Currents for Action in the Pacific Ocean, curated by Cassandra Coblentz, which is as part of the 2024 Getty initiative Pacific Standard Time: Art x Science x LA.
Marcos Lutyens’ artistic practice targets the psychic and emotional well-being of his audiences by skillfully leading participants in hypnotic exercises that affect the deepest levels of their psyche. His works take form in installations, sculptures, drawings, short films, writings, and performances. In his explorations of consciousness, Lutyens has collaborated with celebrated neuro-scientists V. Ramachandran and Richard Cytowic, as much as studying under shamans from different cultures. From these investigations and research he has worked with visitors’ unconscious states in museums, galleries, and biennales around the world.
Lutyens was invited by the Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, NY to be keynote artist with the opening performance at Culture Summit 2019. Lutyens has exhibited in many museums and leading art exhibitions around the world, including the Royal Academy of Arts, Centre Pompidou, National Art Museum of China, Documenta, and the Biennials of Venice, Istanbul, Liverpool, São Paulo. In the time of COVID-19, Lutyens created a series of twelve zoom performances to help the healing process of people in various countries around the world, and is currently working on the national scale COVID-19 artwork Rose River Memorial which has been exhibited at various sites around the US including most recently, the Orange County Museum of Art.
He has also exhibited internationally in numerous museums, galleries and biennials, including the Havana Biennial (2019) and as keynote artist invited by the Guggenheim at CultureSummit Abu Dhabi 2019, the Frye Museum, Seattle (2018), Miró Foundation, Barcelona (2018), Main Museum, Los Angeles (2018), Latvian National Museum of Art (2018), the 33rd Bienial de São Paulo (2018), the Guggenheim Museum, New York (2017); The Armory, New York (2017); Boghossian Foundation, Brussels (2017), Palazzo Fortuny, Venice (2017), La Monnaie de Paris (2017), Palazzo Grassi, Venice, (2017), 57th and 55th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia (2013 & 2017), Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool (2016); 14th Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul (2015); MoMA PS1, Queens (2014); National Art Museum of China, Beijing (2014); dOCUMENTA(13), Kassel (2012); Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles (2010); the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (2010 & 2014); the Royal Academy of Arts, London (2010); 7th Venice Biennale of Architecture (2000).
Dr. Milton Love is a research biologist at the Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara. He has conducted research on the marine fishes of California for over forty years and is the author of over 90 publications on the fishes of the Pacific Coast and has written such books Certainly More Than You Want to Know About the Fishes of the Pacific Coast, A Guide to the Rockfishes, Thornyheads, Scorpionfishes of the Northeast Pacific, and The Rockfishes of the Northeast Pacific. For the past eighteen years, and using a manned research submersible, Dr. Love has carried out surveys of the fish populations living around natural reefs and oil and gas platforms throughout the Southern California Bight.
A Southern California native, Dr. Ann Bull was brought up on the ocean and worked as a deck-hand for her father during commercial fishing and charter boat operations. She received her Bachelor’s degree in both biochemistry and biology from University of California, San Diego, and went on to obtain a Master’s and Ph.D. from Louisiana State University with her graduate fieldwork performed at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. Her post-doctoral work at Johns Hopkins University centered on the health of fish populations and their responses to anthropogenic degradation of their environments. A career employee for the Department of the Interior in environmental research and assessment, she worked for the former Minerals Management Service (MMS) (now Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)), in the Gulf of Mexico Region from 1988 to 2000 and in the Pacific Region from 2001 to 2016. She retired at the end of 2016 as the BOEM Chief of Environmental Sciences, Pacific Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Region, where she oversaw a $25 million studies program on the OCS of California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii. Dr. Bull’s research interests center on the ecological influence, at both a local and regional scale, of offshore oil and gas platforms and renewable energy installations as humman-made reefs. She recently became a Visiting Scholar at the University of California at Santa Barbara, Marine Science Institute, where she continues her research.