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Viewable from various locations

Sunstar, created and owned by artist Liliane Lijn and astrophysicist John Vallerga, is on loan to Mount Wilson Observatory, and beams daily to various sites around the Los Angeles basin — Griffith Observatory, the Rose Bowl, Pasadena City Hall, Memorial Park by the Armory, Elysian Park, the Music Center, wherever there is a view of Mount Wilson.

If you have a view of Mount Wilson from where you are, you should be able to see the white-domed tower peeking above the ridgeline. That’s where you’ll find the light — just to the right of the tall broadcast antennae on the mountains above Pasadena.

Not everyone can see Sunstar at the same time. The beam is one tiny ray of the Sun that goes through a prism, hits a mirror, and is aimed into town. It finds you. Look up every now and then during the day and see if you can catch the colored ‘star’ shining from atop the white tower!

Sunstar is presented as part of Fulcrum Festival 2024: Waves Upon Waves.